Oli KipferOct 26, 2021Matchspace Music presenting at the regional conference for public music schoolsMatchspace Music was invited to present at the regional conference for public music schools in Switzerland at the HSLU in Lucerne. Patrick Koller and Oli Kipfer presenting on stageOli and Patrick presenting at HSLU. https://www.musikzeitung.ch/de/basis/vms/2021/11/Regionalkonferenz-Zentralschweiz.html#.YinaHBDMJhE
Matchspace Music was invited to present at the regional conference for public music schools in Switzerland at the HSLU in Lucerne. Patrick Koller and Oli Kipfer presenting on stageOli and Patrick presenting at HSLU. https://www.musikzeitung.ch/de/basis/vms/2021/11/Regionalkonferenz-Zentralschweiz.html#.YinaHBDMJhE